hapa history is fiction inspired by a slice of hawaii’s past

I am he as you are he as you are me. And we are all together.

The reflection of the Beatles lyrics is what I had in mind when portraying the protagonist James, in A Timeless Princess. It’s the year 2015 and James is a young American soldier from the continent who is a tourist at Iolani Palace, the only royal residence on American soil. He represents a future – uninformed by the past and unadulterated by the sins and strife of an American overthrow of the Hawaiian government of 1897. He falls in love with a monarch of yesteryear. Their magical bond represents the irresistible connection between past and future and opposing worlds.

Although the Beatles lyrics have been interpreted in various ways, it is essential to remember that the song was intended to be more of an artistic expression, a whimsical and surrealistic creation, rather than a straightforward narrative with a clear message–just like my book A Timeless Princess.

A fictional Jaunt to the Past

Readers step into a realm where history and fiction intertwine in this fantastical story that’s not meant to desecrate Hawaii’s royal roots. It’s a fictional tale that fuses the past and present that celebrates the enduring resilience of the people and culture of Hawaii with reverence. Truth be told, without Hollywood much of history would be lost. By blending facts in fiction, we inspire people to learn more about past reality.

I hope this story serves as a poignant reminder of cherishing and learning from the past to shape a formidable future. The question is, are we capable of learning? By embracing the power of perspective, analyzing the causes and consequences of historical events, and examining the actions of leaders, we can glean valuable wisdom from history. Let us approach history as a wise teacher, guiding us towards a more enlightened and informed future.

But if you think the musical is great, wait until you read the book. Step into a realm where history and fiction intertwine, and the past comes alive through the magic of music and storytelling. Hawaii’s history becomes a living, breathing entity. 

This fictional story fuses the past and present with the enduring resilience of the people of Hawai’i and serves as a poignant reminder of cherishing and learning from the past to shape a formidable future. The question is, are we capable of learning? By embracing the power of perspective, analyzing the causes and consequences of historical events, and examining the actions of leaders, we can glean valuable wisdom from history. Let us approach history as a wise teacher, guiding us towards a more enlightened and informed future.

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